Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Don't DREAM Anymore

What could a man in his late thirties dream about?
I often have nightmares, because dreams have become a luxury.
Dreams transform with age and so do age with dreams.
Gone are the days when you would be romancing with Merlyn Monroe in Casablanca.
Now you wake up in shiver thinking about your family’s future.
Not everything is so bad at it seems like in nightmares, neither life is that colorful as it is in dreams.
That’s why reality is so sweet.
A morning cup of flavored Darjeeling tea with home made cookies makes you think, what a waste it would have been if you were not born as a human.
When your child runs up to you and you enjoy the innocence in his face, then you know dreams are only an interpretation meant for Freud and you are far luckier to live life like any other normal people.

Philosophy imparts knowledge and tries to make logic as a guiding factor for your sustenance. I reasoned everything in life but not now.
Too many unanswered questions pull you down; you forget your sense of survival.
Dreams are unrealistic answers to unanswered questions, and it appears only when you are sleeping.

When your son smiles in his sleep you know he is not dreaming, because he does not know what dream is. And you never bother to find out why he smiles, but you stare at him and enjoy the smile and wish he smiled like this for ever & ever.

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